On Wed, Feb 13, 2013 at 7:58 AM, Martin Gräßlin <mgraess...@kde.org> wrote:
> On Tuesday 12 February 2013 23:55:39 Mark wrote:
>> Why are you folks discarding my usecase completely? Not even one
>> comment on it. My usecase is very valid, i'm having it right now as i
>> type this mail.
> it's not a usecase, it's a workaround for a bug. Windows should never ever
> ever be opened on a disconnected screen. Once KScreen is fully integrated that
> will hopefully not happen any more.

disconnected != powered down

I keep the beamer connected all the time.

How this works on windows kinda depends on AMD and NVidia
AMD + Windows = if you power down the beamer it also "disconnects" it
in some way. As in when you look at the screen resolution you won't
find any trace of it.
NVidia + Windows = if you power down the beamer it stays "connected".
When you look at the screen resolution you can see the beamer as if it
where powered on.

I've had both (AMD and NVidia) and i can say that the AMD alternative
is extremely unstable. Even under windows.
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