On Wed, Feb 13, 2013 at 11:35 AM, Martin Gräßlin <mgraess...@kde.org> wrote:
> On Wednesday 13 February 2013 11:24:06 Mark wrote:
>> When i brought this issue up in RB and moved it to this list i was
>> actually expecting a reply like: "Ohh, we introduced a new pager in
>> 4.10 that occupies space without putting anything in it by default.
>> Lets fix that asap." But there is nothing like that. Like you guys
>> just don't see it as an issue.. Why is that?
> I'd say because it is not a regression. It already used to be like that.
> And if I have to decide between an empty widget and a pager with one desktop I
> go for the empty widget.
> Btw. it's pretty much a non-issue for our users as most distributions think
> that they need to adjust the defaults for virtual desktops. IIRC:
> * Kubuntu: 2
> * OpenSUSE: 4

You where of the strong defaults right?
Strong defaults are upstream (which is KDE itself) not the
distributions that ship it (and modify it).
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