On Thu, Aug 28, 2014 at 3:49 AM, Matthew Ruffalo <mm...@case.edu> wrote:
> I still strongly, *strongly* disagree that it's acceptable for a user to
> choose an appropriate locale for override settings.

Perhaps I am leaning myself way out the window but I think there is
one very portable solution to this problem: writing an own locale
defintion [1] and installing&configuring that. And I do not mean by
hand, but through a GUI.
This not only allows customization of stuff but also makes every
application on the system respect whatever was configured in our KCM.
Also it doesn't actually tie into the existing KCM, it would be a
standalone 'locale editor' basically.

Alas, I have not ever done anything like this so I really very much
have no clue whether this would be too much work or even possible.
It's just a thought I'd like to put out there :)


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