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(Updated July 29, 2015, 8:57 a.m.)


This change has been marked as submitted.

Review request for Plasma, KDE Usability and Vishesh Handa.


Submitted with commit 2d2a79390d8bafeda8dc1ce30fd4bc40eafaea57 by Kai Uwe 
Broulik to branch master.

Bugs: 335731

Repository: plasma-workspace


This turns KRunner's TextField into an editable ComboBox to provide a history.

When a result is invoked, the query string is prepended to the history, query 
strings are only added once. ComboBox provides letter-by-letter auto completion.


  krunner/view.h 45f4d28 
  krunner/view.cpp 208c88c 
  lookandfeel/contents/runcommand/RunCommand.qml 4c6eb30 

Diff: https://git.reviewboard.kde.org/r/123888/diff/


Somehow I have a feeling it doesn't always save the history or nukes it at 
times. It also has some shortcomings due to ComboBox:

1.) You cannot use the arrow keys to cycle between entries (when the popup's 
not opened) because arrow keys navigate through results
2.) forceActiveFocus() on the ComboBox will not activate the embedded TextField 
- when you had opened the popup there's a slight chance the input field won't 
get focussed I'll prepare a Qt patch for this.
3.) Before Qt 5.4.2 (not sure if my patch ended up in 5.4.1) pressing space in 
the edit combobox will open the popup, not insert a space (nasty show stopper)
4.) Plasma's edtiable ComboBox looks a bit strange imho
5.) Plasma's editable ComboBox doesn't support clearButtonShown
6.) Plasma's ComboBox has strange bullets and margins in it, that's probably a 
bug in Plasma Style (need to look what Desktop style does differently from us)
7.) ComboBox doesn't have a cursorPosition, I'll prepare a Qt patch for this.

File Attachments

History popup
Auto completion
History popup (new)


Kai Uwe Broulik

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