On Monday 09 November 2015 01:10:41 Valorie Zimmerman wrote:

> First, are all the designers on this list? If not, it's difficult to
> have a dialog. Please make sure that at least andreas_k and uriherrera
> (irc nicks) become part of this conversation. After all, they are
> Plasma devels.

Just my 2 cents regarding the mailing list: I personally don't mind mailing 
lists, I think they are an effective means of communication.
That said, I have given up on reading through this list on a regular basis, 
for a simple reason: It is a really high-volume list, with dozens of emails on 
some days. The majority of those emails are not useful for non-programmers, 
because they talk about technical details we do not even understand.

There are still many emails in there which are important to us, but I simply 
don't have the time to plough through all the emails I don't understand just 
to find out which ones are relevant for me.

That's why I now focus only on review requests or bug reports where the VDG or 
usability team is explicitly added. I hope I catch most of the important stuff 
that way, but there are definitely important emails falling through the cracks 
and ending up unread in my plasma-devel folder (among 10.956 other unread 
emails at the time of this writing).
Many in the Plasma team may assume that we read all emails on this list while 
in fact we don't, which will add to communication problems.

Any ideas how we can fix this (and no, "please read everything on this list" 
is not an option, unless you grant us the gift of speed-reading or the 
manipulation of time)?

Plasma-devel mailing list

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