Plasma Meeting minutes 21-11-2016

Present: d_ed, Sho, notmart, romangg, sebas

- in general, still working on Kwin scaling
- fixed 2 minor  crashers in Plasma

* some experiments on screen names in wayland (needed for multiscreen to work 
  Diff 3341 "add connector name to screen model" [Closed] https://
* fixed a cyclical dependency in kpackage 100d1411
* fixed a critical bug in kpackage that is worth tarball respin of 5.28
* Kirigami2:
** layout fixes with toolbars
** remove some qqc1 dependencies (some of them are probably here to stay: eg 
* Desktop QQC2 style:
** ComboBox
** Dialog.qml
** Container.qml
** Control.qml
** Frame.qml
** GroupBox.qml
** Drawer.qml
** RangeSlider.qml
* Start of plasma qqc2 style:
** Button
** Label
** ScrollBar

* Working on a fix for windows directly added to an existing TM group not 
getting minimization geo set (surprisingly big oversight that needs some new 
* Deep inside Yakuake - concept/arch has solidified, lots of implementation 
left to type down.Writing a complex widget/QML Frankenapp with UI theme 
KPackages is an interesting exercise

- writing some docs on porting plasma mobile as it is much needed I believe
- cmake/build/test fixes in kpackage
- some time spent on awkward lxc-android issue :

- worked on touchpad kcm last week
- did some kwin libinput backend stuff related to it. I hope I can post a phab 
diff for the kcm today or tomorrow.
- need someone to dissect my qml hacking then

- fix for Bug 356864 - Plasma cannot adapt to VM host window is in now
- will backport a series of patches to 5.8
- to finish my sebas/osd branch for libkscreen (mainly needs testing under 
wayland I think)
- further work on the new kcm
- bug triaging, as always
sebas |
Plasma Meeting minutes 21-11-2016

Present: d_ed, Sho, notmart, romangg, sebas

- in general, still working on Kwin scaling
- fixed 2 minor  crashers in Plasma

* some experiments on screen names in wayland (needed for multiscreen to work 
  Diff 3341 "add connector name to screen model" [Closed]
* fixed a cyclical dependency in kpackage 100d1411
* fixed a critical bug in kpackage that is worth tarball respin of 5.28
* Kirigami2:
** layout fixes with toolbars
** remove some qqc1 dependencies (some of them are probably here to stay: eg 
* Desktop QQC2 style:
** ComboBox
** Dialog.qml
** Container.qml
** Control.qml
** Frame.qml
** GroupBox.qml
** Drawer.qml
** RangeSlider.qml
* Start of plasma qqc2 style:
** Button
** Label
** ScrollBar

* Working on a fix for windows directly added to an existing TM group not 
getting minimization geo set (surprisingly big oversight that needs some new 
* Deep inside Yakuake - concept/arch has solidified, lots of implementation 
left to type down.Writing a complex widget/QML Frankenapp with UI theme 
KPackages is an interesting exercise

- writing some docs on porting plasma mobile as it is much needed I believe
- cmake/build/test fixes in kpackage
- some time spent on awkward lxc-android issue :

- worked on touchpad kcm last week
- did some kwin libinput backend stuff related to it. I hope I can post a phab 
diff for the kcm today or tomorrow.
- need someone to dissect my qml hacking then

- fix for Bug 356864 - Plasma cannot adapt to VM host window is in now
- will backport a series of patches to 5.8
- to finish my sebas/osd branch for libkscreen (mainly needs testing under 
wayland I think)
- further work on the new kcm
- bug triaging, as always

full log:
[12:00:13] <sebas> okay, so who's here for our plasma weekly?
[12:00:19] <d_ed> I am
[12:00:21] <Sho_> here
[12:00:27] <notmart> (provided interwebs lives long enough ;)
[12:00:45] <-- HoloIRCUser3 ( has 
quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
[12:01:19] <sebas> you can try now, notmart
[12:01:31] <sebas> go ahead and enlighten us!
[12:01:45] <notmart> ok
[12:01:51] <notmart> * some experiments on screen names in wayland (needed for 
multiscreen to work correctly)
[12:01:51] <sKreamer> Diff 3341 "add connector name to screen model" [Closed]
[12:01:53] <notmart> * fixed a cyclical dependency in kpackage 100d1411
[12:01:54] <notmart> * fixed a critical bug in kpackage that is worth tarball 
respin of 5.28
[12:01:56] <notmart> * Kirigami2:
[12:01:57] <notmart> ** layout fixes with toolbars
[12:01:59] <notmart> ** remove some qqc1 dependencies (some of them are 
probably here to stay: eg Action)
[12:02:00] <notmart> * Desktop QQC2 style:
[12:02:02] <notmart> ** ComboBox
[12:02:03] <notmart> ** Dialog.qml
[12:02:05] <notmart> ** Container.qml
[12:02:06] <notmart> ** Control.qml
[12:02:08] <notmart> ** Frame.qml
[12:02:09] <notmart> ** GroupBox.qml
[12:02:11] <notmart> ** Drawer.qml
[12:02:12] <notmart> ** RangeSlider.qml
[12:02:14] <notmart> * Start of plasma qqc2 style:
[12:02:15] <notmart> ** Button
[12:02:17] <notmart> ** Label
[12:02:18] <notmart> ** ScrollBar
[12:02:21] <notmart> questions?next?
[12:02:29] <Sho_> notmart is so stylish every week
[12:02:57] <notmart> yeah, this very boring task will last some weeks still 
(all the plasma stuff)
[12:03:01] <notmart> then should be it ;)
[12:03:13] <bshah> notmart: that experiment of screen name "broke" my config, 
well previous config used different names and now uses different names.. but 
well otherwise works with clean config
[12:03:14] <Sho_> thanks for doing it
[12:03:21] <Sho_> pretty_uis++
[12:03:30] <notmart> bshah: i know breaks previous configs
[12:03:35] <sebas> ++, yeah
[12:03:47] <sebas> d_ed is next
[12:03:50] <d_ed> breaking configs on wayland should be fine
[12:04:02] <bshah> hm :(
[12:04:04] <notmart> bshah: but previously was broken by design, as if you had 
2 "unknown" outputs -> disaster
[12:04:04] <sebas> especially if it has clear advantages for us down the road
[12:04:12] <bshah> notmart: yeah agree...
[12:04:13] <Sho_> yeah it's not officially supported yet
[12:04:26] <d_ed> in general, still working on Kwin scaling.
[12:04:36] <notmart> i'm still not happy on how it does it right now
[12:04:40] <sebas> which I very much appreciate :)
[12:04:55] <d_ed> and I fixed 2 minor  crashers in Plasma.
[12:05:01] <notmart> i really dream a very static, reliable,reproducible way to 
pair qscreens->connector
[12:05:05] <notmart> but yeah, unicorns
[12:05:15] --> cosmos_ ( has 
joined #plasma
[12:05:22] <d_ed> next()
[12:05:32] <sebas> Sho_!
[12:05:34] <sebas> then bshah
[12:05:41] <sebas> then lunch I think
[12:05:43] <Sho_> * Working on a fix for windows directly added to an existing 
TM group not getting minimization geo set (surprisingly big oversight that 
needs some new code)
[12:05:44] <Sho_> * Deep inside Yakuake - concept/arch has solidified, lots of 
implementation left to type down.Writing a complex widget/QML Frankenapp with 
UI theme KPackages is an interesting exercise
[12:06:03] <Sho_> done()
[12:06:35] --> aniketh_ (uid171160@gateway/web/ 
has joined #plasma
[12:06:58] <bshah> okay my turn then?
[12:07:08] <sebas> yessir!
[12:07:16] <bshah> - writing some docs on porting plasma mobile as it is much 
needed I believe
[12:07:18] <bshah> - cmake/build/test fixes in kpackage
[12:07:20] <bshah> - some time spent on awkward lxc-android issue :
[12:07:32] <bshah> .done()
[12:07:53] <sebas> topx
[12:08:03] <sebas> so meeting done, thanks guys for attending!
[12:08:07] <sebas> ow wait ... ME!
[12:08:10] <sebas> tsssss
[12:08:10] <bshah> (docs I've currently as markdown.. will need to decide where 
to put it..)
[12:08:15] <-- cosmos ( has 
quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
[12:08:20] <sebas> - fix for Bug 356864 - Plasma cannot adapt to VM host window 
is in now
[12:08:20] <sebas> - will backport a series of patches to 5.8
[12:08:20] <sebas> - to finish my sebas/osd branch for libkscreen (mainly needs 
testing under wayland I think)
[12:08:20] <sebas> - further work on the new kcm
[12:08:20] <sebas> - bug triaging, as always
[12:08:20] <sKreamer> KDE bug 356864 in KScreen (libkscreen) "Plasma cannot 
adapt to VM host window" [normal,]
[12:08:22] -*- Sho_ has sebas for lunch
[12:08:48] <notmart> Sho_: with chianti?
[12:08:50] <sebas> so turned out that all the work on dynamic mode per output 
were almost sufficient
[12:09:03] <sebas> just one last line was missing, the one that actually 
triggers applying the new config
[12:09:04] <Sho_> notmart, that works
[12:09:46] <sebas> I don't know, I would actually prefer perhaps a pinot noir, 
or if you want something stronger, shiraz
[12:10:14] <bshah> btw... instead of wiki, I want to put docs on phab.. (how is that idea?)
[12:10:29] <bshah> (as it supports markdown (zomg!)
[12:10:38] <notmart> hmm, whatever risks the least of being orphaned..
[12:10:42] <sebas> bad idea imo
[12:10:56] <sebas> keep docs together in one place, spreading it out is going 
to cause nightmares later on
[12:11:02] <bshah> hm okay..
[12:11:08] <notmart> the thing is that it scatters them even more
[12:11:14] <bshah> yeah.. I agree
[12:11:35] <d_ed> does anyone know which config dialog this is:
[12:11:39] <notmart> tough, i am really not happy with mediawiki.. it seems to 
act a bit like a black hole for documents as it stands
[12:11:56] <notmart> d_ed: taskbar?
[12:12:05] <-- ochurlaud ( has quit (Quit: 
Konversation terminated!)
[12:12:15] <sebas> taskbar as of a few releases ago?
[12:12:26] <bshah> this looks lot like task manager.. I believe
[12:12:31] <Sho_> yep
[12:12:38] <notmart> seems to miss a lot of stuff in the middle
[12:12:45] <notmart> but the rest corresponds
[12:13:05] <sebas> I always wondered what it looks like in Klingon
[12:13:20] <d_ed> thanks
[12:13:53] <notmart> [x] It's a good day for the task entry to die
[12:13:57] <-- nowrep (~david@kde/developer/drosca) has quit (Ping timeout: 240 
[12:13:58] <notmart> something like that
[12:14:04] <d_ed> :D
[12:14:26] <sebas> [ ] Allow task entries to use the invisibility shield
[12:14:36] <Sho_> that's Hebrew btw
[12:14:42] <sebas> same same
[12:14:45] --> nowrep (~david@kde/developer/drosca) has joined #plasma
[12:15:30] <-- HoloIRCUser4 ( has 
quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[12:22:46] <notmart> so, meeting done?
[12:23:32] <bshah> I suppose...
[12:23:43] <bshah> even your internet survived.. ;)
[12:25:06] <notmart> yeah, seems so
[12:25:31] <notmart> won't be cut out of my daily supply of kittens ;)
[12:29:31] <romangg> little late for meeting. still ongoing?
[12:30:03] <bshah> no.. but well since minutes is not sent yet you can just 
paste it up
[12:30:13] <notmart> no, but you can add your part :)
[12:32:21] <romangg> ok. worked on touchpad kcm last week and also did some 
kwin libinput backend stuff related to it. I hope I can post a phab diff for 
the kcm today or tomorrow.
[12:34:47] <romangg> need someone to dissect my qml hacking then. it's probably 
not the best code I've ever written.^^
[12:35:02] <romangg> i.e. I'm fairly new to it.
[12:35:14] <sebas> romangg: I can add that to the notes, thx :)

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