i am more than a little interested in having something like this to listen to. 
Windows being the only system with this detection in place (for several years 
now) just seems so silly... Also because it breaks every few weeks on there, 
where i expect we might be able to do /slightly/ better, at least ;) This lack 
has been, effectively, my main reason for not getting anywhere with the Gemini 
framework... not being able to test it on Linux based systems just makes it 
that much less interesting to play with :D

On Friday, 5 January 2018 05:23:20 GMT Martin Flöser wrote:
> I want to provide a dbus service in KWin to export the state. Apps cannot
> use libinput directly, one needs root for that.
> Cheers
> Martin
> Am 4. Januar 2018 23:22:43 MEZ schrieb Marco Martin <notm...@gmail.com>:
> >Hi all,
> >one thing i wanted to look into, is to detect when a trasformable
> >laptop goes
> >in tablet mode from applications, so that plasmashell and kirigami apps
> >can
> >adapt themselves and do things(tm)
> >KWin does that (on wayland) already, and i see it uses libinput for
> >that, like
> >i seem to evince from this recent commit (and the logic when to show
> >the on
> >screen keyboard)
> >https://cgit.kde.org/kwin.git/commit/?
> >id=ac2f41c86d3b5b13ba3655e6c2f17f59a4cb7f01
> >
> >would a normal application use libinput too or is something reserved to
> >the
> >compositor?
> >what would be the right way(tm) there? a dbus signal from KWin?

..dan / leinir..

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