On Friday, January 5, 2018 6:24:38 PM CET Martin Flöser wrote:
> Am 2018-01-05 16:11, schrieb Marco Martin:

> > debugging a bit what happens currently on my machine, i don't seem to
> > have any event device which libinput_device_switch_has_switch,
> > however, when i flip it, i do get an event, but oddly from the event
> > device called
> > "intel virtual button driver" and i get a key event of id 240.
> > do you think it's a kernel problem and can'tbe made work on our level?
> > I can also try to do the patch blindly, but how to test not having the
> > proper hardware support? (on a running kwin, i know autotests have a
> > fake libinput that injects events)
> > I wonder on how many devices thoise events will actually work as
> > intended...
>  From libinput documentation it seems to only be Lenovo Yoga currently.
> And you probably need a rather new kernel, maybe even unreleased ones.
> This is a pretty brand new feature in libinput and I don't think it's
> widely exposed.
> Best ask Peter Hutterer, he will also be able to help you get your
> device supported so that we have it for everyone. I expect this will be
> a great crowd effort which should be doable. If we have the
> infrastructure and easy way to test/debug, we should be able to get some
> users to help there.

FWIW, I have two X1 Yoga laptops (gen1 and gen2) with recent kernels at my 
disposal  that I could probably test this feature on.

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