fredrik added a comment.

  > I think the "blur" option should go. Blur should be controlled centrally by 
the desktop effect. In other words: BlurBehind should always be set to true, 
and then left to kwin to handle. Having an extra option here seems like 
micro-management. Why would you need blur behind plasma widgets (as handled by 
the desktop effect) and not behind menus ? (or vice versa). Also, right now, 
selecting "blur" in the style settings, but unselecting the desktop effect 
results in no blur behind menu, and hence inconsistency with what the style 
option says.
  KWin has no way of knowing which pixels should be blurred behind a window. 
That's the reason the hint exists.
  If you set the hint unconditionally, the effect will be applied 
unconditionally. Even when the menus are fully opaque.

  R31 Breeze


To: anemeth, hpereiradacosta, #plasma, colomar, alake
Cc: fredrik, alake, januz, abetts, colomar, andreask, zzag, ngraham, 
plasma-devel, ZrenBot, progwolff, lesliezhai, ali-mohamed, jensreuterberg, 
sebas, apol, mart

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