+ sysad...@kde.org

KDE Sysadmins, is there anything special we need to do before doing a mass bug close? around 2,500 bugs would be closed in a short period of time.

Martin, good idea. I'll remove that line.


On 02/10/2018 01:42 PM, Martin Flöser wrote:
Am 2018-02-10 21:24, schrieb Nate Graham:
Hello folks,
We have more than 2,500 Plasma 4 bugzilla tickets that we don't intend
to look at or triage. We've already prevented new tickets from being
filed, but it doesn't do anyone any good to just have the old ones
sitting there. My sense is that most of the relevant bugs and wishlist
items are already represented in the plasmashell product, so what do
you think about doing a mass-close?

I was thinking of closing them all with one of the following two
messages (top one for bugs, bottom one for wishlist items). What do
you think?

+1 on that. If you want to do that, please get in contact with sysadmin team before. They might have some requirements regarding mass closing of bugreports (at least in the past this resulted in email traffic which put us on spammer lists).

Concerning the text:
I would cut the "Developers have not been triaging Plasma 4 bugs since that time.", the message that it is EOL is sufficient for what we want to tell. Also it opens an attack vector (lazy devs don't look for bugs).

For reference the message I put into KWin for mass closing bugs:

As of git commit 34027455aaa2ee738c45987ca2d8cb7d65491bf0 window tiling support has been removed from KWin. This change will go into version 4.10, the upcoming release 4.9 still provides window tiling support. The discussion has been taken on the developer mailing list [1]. A short summary of the reasons here:
* it is unmaintained
* it is a mode not used by any of the core KWin team
* original developer said at Akademy 2012 that he is not interested in picking up the work again
* tiling has quite some bugs, e.g. multi screen not supported
* is conflicting with other concepts in KWin, e.g. activities

A result of this change is that we will not implement any new features or fix bugs related to window tiling.

There is ongoing work to provide window tiling as an external KWin script. We encourage everyone to participate in this effort and to make it really rock and have it available once 4.10 is going to be released. The current state can be found in the git repository [2] in the directory kwin/scripts/tiling.

[1] http://lists.kde.org/?l=kwin&m=133149673110558&w=2
[2] https://github.com/mgottschlag/kwin-tiling/



For bugs:


This bug was filed for KDE Plasma 4, which reached end-of-support
status in October 2015. Developers have not been triaging Plasma 4
bugs since that time. Happily, because KDE Plasma 5's desktop shell
was been almost completely rewritten for better performance and
usability, it is likely that this bug has already been resolved in
Plasma 5. Additionally, bug triaging resources are extremely limited;
if you would like to get involved in this effort, please see

Accordingly, and we hope you understand why we must close this bug. If
the issue described  here is still present in KDE Plasma 5.12 or
later, please feel free to open a new ticket in the "plasmashell"
product after reading

Thanks for your understanding!

Nate Graham

For wishlist items:


This feature request was filed for KDE Plasma 4, which reached
end-of-support status in October 2015. Developers have not been
triaging Plasma 4 requests since that time. Happily, because KDE
Plasma 5's desktop shell was been almost completely rewritten, it is
likely that this feature request has already been implemented in
Plasma 5, or is no longer applicable. Additionally, bug triaging
resources are extremely limited; if you would like to get involved in
this effort, please see

Accordingly, and we hope you understand why we must close this feature
request. If the requested feature is still not implemented in KDE
Plasma 5.12 or later, please feel free to open a new ticket in the
"plasmashell" product after reading

Thanks for your understanding!

Nate Graham

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