
For those interested, I'm willing to share some progress with the
experimental alternative of Java Tooling in Eclipse IDE, which relies on
JDT-LS and LSP4E integration in Generic Editor instead of JDT-UI for
edition, and -quite recently- on the java-debug-adapter (which implements
the Debug Adapter Protocol on top of the JDT Debug JDI Model) and the DAP
integration part of LSP4E in Eclipse Platform Debug instead of JDT specific
Debug UI.

The current state of things is rather encouraging: it's now possible to
efficently enough edit Java code in Eclipse IDE with the Generic Editor and
JDT-LS (as long as the code is included in a Java project); most features
are working well. However, in real-life usage, we can easily identify some
important features of JDT-UI that are missing and yet to implement (my top
1 is currently Ctrl+Shift+O not doing anything in generic editor); there
are also some more or less annoying glitches here and there.
Similar thing for debug support: there is a decent Debug support, but it's
rather fresh, so no support for Launch Configurations, no particular
support for anything beyond running a Java main, missing Inspect... however
when an application is running with the Debug Adapter, there are stack
traces, breakpoints, variables & Inspect... working, so it's usable.
But again, it's not as good as direct JDT UI, it's still relatively
frequent to switch back to JDT editor for some feature. This is the current
goal really make it never necessary to switch back to JDT editor.
On the other and more successful hand, the promise of "low-cost"
integration is fulfilled, implementing that has been relatively cheap, it's
been easy to create much value (assuming we don't compare to JDT UI/Debug
but think of what is possible "from scratch") within a few weeks. And the
other promise of factorization is also fulfilled: working on that
integration has actually triggered bugfixes/features proposals in JDT-LS,
JDT-Core, LSP4E, Platform... and each of this change actually benefits the
ecosystem more widely (eg JDT-UI can benefit from some improvements that
have been proposed while improving eclipseide-jdtls integration).
This approach allows our team of Eclipse contributors at Red Hat to
properly serve the goals given by our company while still serving the
Eclipse ecosystem the best we can. We'll keep working on this approach for
a while.

So if you're interested in trying it, and maybe even contributing, the
entry point is https://github.com/redhat-developer/eclipseide-jdtls .

Mickael Istria
Eclipse IDE <https://www.eclipse.org/eclipseide> developer, for Red Hat
Developers <https://developers.redhat.com/>
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