Please review and comment in an answer, if you have something to correct
or add. Otherwise, I'll send it out tomorrow morning (CET) on plone-dev.


Framework Team Meeting 2013-06-25


Nathan Van Gheem
Nejc Zupan
Eric Steele
Ross Patterson
Craig Haynal
David Glick
Johannes Raggam (meeting chair)

Plone 5 Talk

The FWT decided that the next Plone Release will be Plone 5 (+6, -1).

Instead of having a Plone 4.4 Release with major PLIPS included, where
we have to expect that the upgrade experience isn't as seamless as it
should for a minor release, we better do a Plone 5 release. In our
vision, Plone 5 will also have the other major PLIPS included, among

- new theme,
- Removing the dependencies on CMFFormController and CMF skins,
-* package merging.

The PLIPS mentioned above are in the midst of implementation or even the
conceptional phase. So, Plone 5 isn't exactly around the corner but an
undefined timespan away - we expect it to be a year, which should give
us and the implementors enough time to finish, review and integrate the

Six Feet Up is investing 5 hours a week for QA of the upcoming Plone 5

Eric is revisiting the PLIPs and reassigns them to Plone 5 as needed.

Plone 5 content upgrades

We had a discussion about how to handle content upgrades in Plone 5:

- 3 votes for forced upgrade of all standard Products.ATContentTypes to
their Dexterity based and
equivalents to keep the old cruft away from Plone 5.

- 1 vote for optional upgrade steps to migrate the content to let
integrators decide what to do.

- 2 votes were for waiting and deciding later, when the upgrade steps
are fully implemented.

Schema extended standard content types cannot easily be upgraded, since
this involves custom code. For such contents, custom upgrade steps have
to be implemented anyways, if wished.

Release Team

Eric is building up a release team to help him doing releases, as much
automated as possible. This makes release dates less dependent on time
constraints of a single person.

More FWT Team members

Ross brought up the topic of acquiring more Framework Team members, as
it turned out that the last couple of meetings were poorly attended.
More people means also more eyeballs on the development and progress of
Plone, so we thought this is a good idea. He sets up an invitation mail

Next meeting

Next meeting is scheduled on July, 9th. 2013. Eric is doing the meeting

programmatic  web development
di(fh) johannes raggam / thet
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