On Thursday, October 9, 2008 at 23:42:11 (-0500) Maurice LeBrun writes:
 > On Saturday, October 4, 2008 at 16:46:53 (-0700) Alan W. Irwin writes:
 >  > On 2008-10-04 14:04-0700 Alan W. Irwin wrote:
 >  > 
 >  > > Hi Maurice:
 >  > >
 >  > > I have just committed my first attempt (see src/README.pages) to 
 > annotate
 >  > > all the code fragments in our source code that affect paging and 
 > familying.
 >  > > Could you please give this a critical read?  I am especially interested 
 > in
 >  > > the open question of whether plsc->page_status should be set to DRAWING 
 > (or
 >  > > perhaps a new status?) for plP_state, and plP_esc.  I guess the question
 >  > > turns on why DRAWING is set at all for most plotting operations.  If 
 > there
 >  > > is some purpose to that, then my own view is the DRAWING status should 
 > also
 >  > > be set for at least plP_esc (which usually draws something), and perhaps
 >  > > plP_state as well (which AFAIK does not draw, but usually the result is 
 > status
 >  > > information gets written to files for file-oriented devices).
 >  > >
 >  > > To give you some background...
 >  > > [...]Anyhow, my plan is to deal with the repeat pladv(0) case, and once 
 > that
 >  > > simple test case produces valid empty page files (like it should), see
 >  > > whether that fix solves the example 23 issues.
 >  > 
 >  > I made the empty-page fix, and indeed that fixed the example 23 issue for
 >  > the pages which consisted just of text (see my recent post on the svg
 >  > status).  However, in my view those text-only pages (done with
 >  > plP_esc(PLESC_HAS_TEXT...) should have set the DRAWING status if that 
 > status
 >  > is to be meaningful at all.
 >  > 
 >  > What do you think about setting the DRAWING status generally for both
 >  > plP_esc and plP_state?
 > That should be ok.  The main thing to worry about are the AT_BOP and AT_EOP
 > values, so the pagination commands don't get confused.  Be aware there may be
 > some situations where you set state to DRAWING when you are actually between
 > pages, but that shouldn't affect anything.  I may have originally had more
 > plans for DRAWING but now I forget.
 > I read through your doc, it looks good except the warning not to mix pladv()
 > and plbop/pleop is perhaps a bit too strong.  One of the reasons for putting
 > these flags in was in fact to lessen the headache of mixing these.
 > I actually can't stand using pladv() or plenv() for pagination -- I always 
 > use
 > plbop/pleop.  Seems much more well defined that way.  pladv(0) is the
 > "carriage return" of printing pages (Where's the carriage?  Does it come with
 > horses and a princess? :)
 > But by keeping AT_BOP and AT_EOP status flags, throwing in an extra plbop() 
 > or
 > an extra pleop() when you're not sure if you've advanced to the next page
 > never hurts.

To be clear, the latter statement means a primary goal of AT_BOP and AT_EOP
was to suppress empty pages that crept into the plotting session by mistake
or sloppy programming.  That's not been changed overall, correct?

Maurice LeBrun

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