On Mon, Feb 2, 2009 at 6:28 PM, Vadim Zeitlin <vz-plp...@zeitlins.org> wrote:
>  The first of these things is the display of so-called candlestick graphs:
>        http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Candlestick_chart
> This genuinely doesn't seem to be supported as it was requested before:
> http://www.mail-archive.com/plplot-devel@lists.sourceforge.net/msg00650.html
> http://www.mail-archive.com/plplot-devel@lists.sourceforge.net/msg00699.html
> but nothing seems to have happened since then. So the question here is
> mostly how realistic would it be for someone knowing nothing about plplot
> internals to implement support for this new graph kind, either inside or
> outside of plplot itself and if the project maintainers would be interested
> in adding support for candlestick plots to plplot itself (which will give
> me the excuse for asking many more questions) and, generally speaking, if
> anybody has any advice about implementing this.

I think this should be relatively straightforward to produce.  PLplot
provides enough low-level plotting functions that it should be fairly
straightforward to implement.  For a start, you could look at this
submitted boxplot example:


>  The second thing is that I'd like to have some degree of interactivity.
> E.g. I need to allow the user to click on the y axis to draw a marker at
> the given position (and then to remove it, maybe drag it around and so on).
> I'll be using wxWidgets driver so I'd be able to draw everything I need on
> top of the plplot output but I also need some cooperation from plplot to
> translate the (pixel) coordinates in the window to the graph elements, e.g.
> I need to translate them to the values on the axes. Is this already
> possible and I just didn't find how to do it? If not, do you have any ideas
> about how anything like this could be implemented?

This is possible, at least as far as transforming coordinates back and
forth.  plcalc_world can be used to go from window coordinates to
plot-world coordinates:


If you need to go the other way (plot coordinates to window) then a
combo of plgvpd and plgvpw can help.  The following code is in OCaml,
but will hopefully be helpful:

(** [plxy_to_cairoxy ~x ~y context] will convert the plot world
    coordinates [x, y] to Cairo device coordinates. *)
let plxy_to_cairoxy context ~x ~y =
  (* Normalized device coordinates *)
  let nxmin, nxmax, nymin, nymax = plgvpd () in
  (* World (plot-space) coordinates *)
  let wxmin, wxmax, wymin, wymax = plgvpw () in
  (* Cairo device coordinates *)
  let xmin = context.width *. nxmin in
  let xmax = context.width *. nxmax in
  let ymin = context.height *. nymin in
  let ymax = context.height *. nymax in
  (* World coordinates -> Cairo coordinates *)
  xmin +. ((xmax -. xmin) *. (x /. (wxmax -. wxmin))),
  ymin +. ((ymax -. ymin) *. (y /. (wymax -. wymin)))

Here, context.width and context.height are the plot surface dimensions.

Hope this helps,

Hezekiah M. Carty
Graduate Research Assistant
University of Maryland
Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Science

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