On Wed, Sep 2, 2009 at 11:39 AM, Alan W. Irwin<ir...@beluga.phys.uvic.ca> wrote:
> On 2009-09-02 00:08-0700 Jerry wrote:
>> x19c.c uses 70 as the last argument in plenv, axis, but the
>> documentation does not mention such a value. This was detected by the
>> Ada compiler at compile time. I have made the Ada code accept
>> arguments up to 70 by creating a constant called Undocumented_Feature
>> but I don't know if 70 is high enough or what is the meaning of
>> arguments above 63. I suppose it is in the C code somewhere but I much
>> prefer writing to the documentation rather than reading C which I seem
>> genetically unable to do well. Genetics notwithstanding, the docs
>> should probably be updated.
> Done, revision 10364.


Thank you for doing this.  I should have spoken up sooner as I was in
the process of adding the plslabelfunc updates to the documentation.

Revision 10365 contains documentation updates for plslabelfunc, plbox,
plbox3, plenv and related functions which are affected by the addition
of custom axis labeling.  Most importantly, the "o" option for custom
axis labeling and the arguments for the custom labeling callback
function are now properly documented.

I'm still not entirely familiar with how Docbook markup works, but the
PDF output looks good here and I think it gets the information across
appropriately.  Suggestions for improvement in the Docbook code as
well as the actual documentation are welcome as always.


Hezekiah M. Carty
Graduate Research Assistant
University of Maryland
Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Science

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