On Fri, Feb 26, 2010 at 5:09 PM, David MacMahon
<dav...@astro.berkeley.edu> wrote:
> As you all know by now, I'm working on Ruby bindings to PLplot.  I am
> (still) almost ready for a first release.  There's always "a few more
> things"!  :-)
> I am currently working on plimagefr support, including pltr support.
> I have noticed that the documentation for plimagrfr's pltr parameter
> says that it is...
>> Pointer to function that defines transformation between indices in
>> array idata and the world coordinates (C only).
> ...but in practice it seems to call pltr with (x,y) values from (0,0)
> to (nx,ny) rather than the documented implied range of (0,0) to
> (nx-1,ny-1).  I looked at the implementation of plimageslow() in src/
> plimage.c and convinced myself that the code is OK, but the docs are
> misleading.
> If others agree, how about clarifying the above sentence as...
> Pointer to function that defines transformation between indices
> (ix,iy) and world coordinates (x,y), where 0<=ix<=nx and 0<=iy<=ny (C
> only).


Thank you for catching this.  The coordinates in pltr_data correspond
with the corners of the data being plotted so the documentation should
be fixed.  How does this sound?

            Pointer to function that defines a transformation between the data
            in the array <literal><parameter>idata</parameter></literal> and
            world coordinates.  An input coordinate of
            <literal>(0, 0)</literal> corresponds to the "top-left" corner of
            <literal><parameter>idata</parameter></literal> while
            <literal>(nx, ny)</literal> corresponds to the "bottom-right"
            corner of <literal><parameter>idata</parameter></literal>.  Some
            transformation functions are provided in the PLplot library:
            &pltr0; for identity mapping, and &pltr1; and &pltr2; for
            arbitrary mappings respectively defined by one- and
            two-dimensional arrays.  In addition, user-supplied routines for
            the transformation can be used as well.  Examples of all of these
            approaches are given in <xref linkend="contour-plots-c"/>.  The
            transformation function should have the form given by any of
            &pltr0;, &pltr1;, or &pltr2;.

The docbook code validates, so I have checked this in as revision 10857.


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