On 2016-08-23 21:29-0400 Jim Dishaw wrote:

On Aug 22, 2016, at 1:19 PM, Alan W. Irwin <ir...@beluga.phys.uvic.ca> wrote:

Hi Jim:

You said:

I ran the comprehensive test suite [presumably for test_fortran] and got the 
following error

ERROR: cmake in the build tree failed

I reran the test and specified the fortran compiler and got the test
to run (see attached tarball)

Thanks very much for that.  Your comprehensive test of the
test_fortran project indeed seems to work, but I have further
questions about what goes on with the Mac OS X rpath manipulations,
and if you don't have the Mac OS X linking experience to answer those,
I hope someone else from this list does.

Here is what is bothering me about the Mac OS X rpath manipulations.

Specifically (see
shared/noninteractive/output_tree/make_noninteractive.out) in the
build tree, the library build is done using

/opt/local/bin/gfortran-mp-5   -dynamiclib -Wl,-headerpad_max_install_names  -o 
libhello.0.0.dylib -install_name @rpath/libhello.0.dylib 

Per the Apple documentation 
 the @rpath is used to create a run-path dependent library.

and the executable build is done using

/opt/local/bin/gfortran-mp-5     CMakeFiles/hello.dir/hello.f90.o  -o hello  

In this case gfortran is invoking ld, which will resolve the run-path.  Because 
the rpath is specified with an absolute path name, the executable will be have 
absolute paths to the dynamic libraries.  One can have a path search if 
“@loader_path” is used.

In the install tree (see
shared/noninteractive/output_tree/make_noninteractive.out) the Mac OS X and 
Linux equivalent
commands for building the installed executable are

/opt/local/bin/gfortran-mp-5  CMakeFiles/hello.dir/hello.f90.o  -o hello  

Looking at the output from otool, the paths to libhello is the absolute.  
Looking at the Apple documentation, it appears that ld will use use the 
absolute path name if @rpath is not specified.

Relevant output from otool

Load command 12
         cmd LC_LOAD_DYLIB
     cmdsize 152
 (offset 24)
  time stamp 2 Wed Dec 31 19:00:02 1969
     current version 0.0.0
compatibility version 0.0.0
Load command 13
         cmd LC_LOAD_DYLIB
     cmdsize 72
        name /opt/local/lib/libgcc/libgfortran.3.dylib (offset 24)
  time stamp 2 Wed Dec 31 19:00:02 1969
     current version 4.0.0
compatibility version 4.0.0
Load command 14
         cmd LC_LOAD_DYLIB
     cmdsize 56
        name /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib (offset 24)
  time stamp 2 Wed Dec 31 19:00:02 1969
     current version 1226.10.1
compatibility version 1.0.0
Load command 15
         cmd LC_LOAD_DYLIB
     cmdsize 64
        name /opt/local/lib/libgcc/libgcc_s.1.dylib (offset 24)
  time stamp 2 Wed Dec 31 19:00:02 1969
     current version 1.0.0
compatibility version 1.0.0
Load command 16
         cmd LC_LOAD_DYLIB
     cmdsize 72
        name /opt/local/lib/libgcc/libquadmath.0.dylib (offset 24)
  time stamp 2 Wed Dec 31 19:00:02 1969
     current version 1.0.0
compatibility version 1.0.0

Here we have used (with the patched version of test_fortran and
test_ada) the same installed rpath manipulations for both Mac OS X and
Linux which (following what works for PLplot and Linux) are simply to
set the INSTALL_RPATH property of the library to the install location
of that library but say nothing at all about the rpath of the
executable (see cmake/test_fortran/src_lib/CMakeLists.txt and
cmake/test_fortran/src_executable/CMakeLists.txt).  As
you can see above, the result is rpath is set properly for the build
of the executable in the install tree for the Linux case, but there is
_no_ rpath manipulation at all for that executable in the Mac OS X case.

Nevertheless, the result for both Mac OS X and Linux is the run-time loader 
the library and executes the hello executable in the install tree
without issues, but for the Mac OS X case, I don't see how that is
possible since rpath has obviously not been set.

The lack rpath manipulation is not needed, though it results in an executable 
that will not run if the
library is moved.  If I remove or move libhello, the executable fails to load:

dyld: Library not loaded: 
 Referenced from: 
 Reason: image not found
Trace/BPT trap: 5

Can you (or someone else here with Mac OS X linking expertise) help me
figure out what is going on here?  The first step in that investigation (after 
comprehensive test is completed) is you should be able to go
to the installed location of the hello executable (in your case that would be
and execute ./hello there without setting DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH.  If that
works (and I assume it will from your comprehensive test results done
without setting DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH), then how does the run-time loader
know the location of the installed library which in your case is
From past interactions with Mac OS X users, my understanding is you
can find the answer to the above questions with tool.

It works fine and I do not have DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH set.

For PLplot, there are several options on how to proceed for Mac OS
X.  From what I can tell, it is possible to mimic the Linux behavior.
There is a discussion on the CMake site
(https://cmake.org/Wiki/CMake_RPATH_handling) that might help with the

Thanks, Jim, for the above.  It is going to take some time to
completely absorb this information and other Mac OS X resources I
found today, but my initial take is your results showed no use of
rpath in the install tree because we set the INSTALL_NAME_DIR property
(a property that is specific to Mac OS X that apparently supersedes
rpath on that platform) for the library (see the current patched

It appears from your results that the INSTALL_NAME_DIR method does
work for Mac OS X, but I would prefer to use the rpath approach to
keep as parallel as possible with what goes on in the Linux case. I
think the attached patch (which should be applied on top of the
original unpatched source tree) should do that, i.e., it only drops
rpath and uses INSTALL_NAME_DIR instead if the user has specified
-DUSE_RPATH=OFF. So could you (and Jerry) try this patch instead and
send me the test_fortran report tarball?  Additional otool -l results
to figure out rpath for the library and executable for both build tree
and install tree would also be much appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

Alan W. Irwin

Astronomical research affiliation with Department of Physics and Astronomy,
University of Victoria (astrowww.phys.uvic.ca).

Programming affiliations with the FreeEOS equation-of-state
implementation for stellar interiors (freeeos.sf.net); the Time
Ephemerides project (timeephem.sf.net); PLplot scientific plotting
software package (plplot.sf.net); the libLASi project
(unifont.org/lasi); the Loads of Linux Links project (loll.sf.net);
and the Linux Brochure Project (lbproject.sf.net).

Linux-powered Science

Attachment: rpath2.patch.gz
Description: revised patch to implement rpath processing for Mac OS X for test_fortran and test_ada

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