sorry meant "no doubt that the point" not "no count that the point"

On 12 September 2016 at 21:39, Phil Rosenberg <> wrote:
>>>> I'm still of the opinion that the notcrossed function should not use
>>>> the 2 pixel fuzziness. At this point in the drawing we are dealing in
>>>> integer pixels and we need only an epsilon test I think. I think the
>>>> best fix is to change this. There are some sticking plaster solutions
>>>> that would hide the problem but not really fix it in my opinion. I
>>>> would really like to change the notcrossed function unless anyone has
>>>> some really strong objections?
>>> My opinion is this is an extraordinarily tricky topic where all the
>>> currently active fill code (i.e., the part of the code not currently
>>> removed by the C preprocessor) needs to be completely reviewed and
>>> potentially rewritten. Also, I think the fuzziness logic (with all
>>> bugs fixed in that code) should stay just in the interests of
>>> providing some tolerance for numerical rounding errors.  For example,
>>> even the article <>
>>> talks of providing some numerical tolerance.  Note also, such
>>> tolerance is certainly required for the integer case since minute
>>> rounding errors in the floating point calculations that decide, for
>>> example, whether a point is inside or outside a polygon can shift
>>> integer results around by +/- 1.
>>> I have a topic branch where I have already taken some substantial
>>> steps along the above ideas (including at least one bug fix in our
>>> current fuzzy logic in notcrossed). I temporarily halted work on that
>>> topic some time ago, but assuming you can provide a test example that
>>> triggers fill bugs regardless of compiler or optimization level, I
>>> plan to take up that topic again where the first order of business
>>> will be to compare (using imagemagick image differences) updated fill
>>> algorithm results versus 5.11.1 results for all our standard examples
>>> that use fill in some way.  (That test should turn up any unusual fill
>>> artifacts in our examples that are generated by bugs in the original
>>> or revised fill algorithm, and once that test is implemented it should
>>> be done for any fill change from now on.) In addition, of course, I
>>> will look carefully at your example to make sure the revised fill
>>> algorithm produces the correct result for it.
>>> Assuming you are able to provide the requested example which triggers
>>> the fill bug regardless of rounding issues, and the above
>>> plan meets with your approval, I would plan to start working on this
>>> topic again just after the current release is out the door.
>>> Note also there are still a number of relatively small issues I would
>>> like to address for this release, but because of the break I mentioned
>>> above, I made little progress on those this summer so that release
>>> deadline is still indefinite and at least a month or two away.
> I agree that this is tricky, but feel this is something we can deal
> with without being too troublesome. Algorithms and code already exist
> to do this consistently - we're not the first to have to deal with it.
> In fact here is a 7 line C implementation that deals with the ray
> hitting a vertex correctly, but doesn't give any warning about if the
> point is close to or on a segment.
> I still don't understand why we need two whole plplot units of
> fuzziness. I understand that we round and that can give us up to two
> pixels of error. But surely we just accept that and work with the
> rounded polygons as if they were exact - in fact they are exact
> because they use integers.
> for example we wish to plot two rectangles which end up with internal
> coordinates of the opposite corners of (200,400.2),(600,600.4) and
> (200,600.4),(600,800.1). We round these to give (200,400),(600,600)
> and (200,600),(600,800). Now there is absolutely no count that the
> point (350,600.2) is in the second rectangle. Of course if we were
> using the original coordinates this point would have been in the first
> rectangle. But we are not plotting the original coordinates, we are
> plotting the rounded coordinates and that is what matters - the
> coordinates we are plotting.
> I would clearly like to get this fixed properly, but in the meantime
> would anyone object if I apply a sticking plaster fix for this as it
> is something I have hit about half a dozen times over the last six
> months - I presume this is because I've been plotting some really high
> resolution data. So I do really need to avoid the issue for now.
> Phil

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