Hi Arjen:

Further to your non-Ada report for Cygwin, I have analyzed it now for
any issues as follows:

0. comprehensive.sh.out indicates the script ran without any
showstopper issues.  i.e., no glitches, which is good!  Because of that
previous glitch I can see why you stuck to testing commit c8739dd0a
from 2017-07-16, but please now update to the latest version of that
master branch for all further testing not only to test my latest
commit, but also all the other commits that have been made since that

# Check for any warning regressions in the cmake output.
less shared/noninteractive/output_tree/cmake.out

That file is what I used to determine the present disabled component
regressions (compared to December results) that I remarked on previously
in this thread.  But you should look further in
that file for the specific reasons for those regressions that you
should address.

2. # Check for some non-standard warnings:
grep -i warning */*/output_tree/*.out |\
grep -vE 'cmake.out|ctest.out' |\
grep -vE 'PLPLOT WARNING|PRIVATE|deprecated|Resource leak|2 problems|Some 
graphical or stdout'
warning: ‘Matrix_Init’ redeclared without dllimport attribute:
previous dllimport ignored [-Wattributes]

I looked further into this issue, and I have
commited (38ac923) what I believe is the solution.

However, as emphasized by that commit message this change does
need testing on Windows platforms so I look forward
to your next noninteractive Cygwin comprehensive report
to demonstrate I have really fixed this issue (and not
introduced some other issue).

# Check for all errors (other than the usual mention of test.error when
# cleaning traditional builds):
grep -i error */*/output_tree/*.out |grep -v 'traditional.*test.error'
nondynamic/noninteractive/output_tree/cmake.out:-- WARNING: Octave-4
has been found which is likely to lead to build errors for PLplot.
shared/noninteractive/output_tree/cmake.out:-- WARNING: Octave-4 has
been found which is likely to lead to build errors for PLplot.

The above cmake output is the usual warning about Octave-4 which has
been discussed for modern Linux distributions recently here.  My
(post-release) plan is to debug the Octave-4 case myself (with
appropriately patched swig if necessary) so that the example issues
that only occur for the UTF-8 examples are straightened out.

Until that issue is fixed, the above warning message is valid
and should be retained.

# Check for any PostScript or Text differences between all non-C
# languages and the corresponding C results.
grep -B1 -A3 "Missing examples" */*/output_tree/*.out |less

These results were perfect.

In sum, this is a promising but still preliminary result for Cygwin
that is free of (hardware?) glitches, and assuming you deal with the
disabled component regressions and my fix for the above warning
actually works, we should be back to where we were in December.  And
we might even do better than that if my new idea for working with the
Ada issue works, and/or if you have time to try interactive testing of
wxwidgets alone for Cygwin.

Alan W. Irwin

Astronomical research affiliation with Department of Physics and Astronomy,
University of Victoria (astrowww.phys.uvic.ca).

Programming affiliations with the FreeEOS equation-of-state
implementation for stellar interiors (freeeos.sf.net); the Time
Ephemerides project (timeephem.sf.net); PLplot scientific plotting
software package (plplot.sf.net); the libLASi project
(unifont.org/lasi); the Loads of Linux Links project (loll.sf.net);
and the Linux Brochure Project (lbproject.sf.net).

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