I've seen the following program in the newsgroups and its method of
auto-scrolling does seem quite smart, eliminating the LCD flicker we
all know and love.  Can I make this a feature request, please? ;-)


Newsgroups: comp.sys.palmtops.pilot
Subject: Re: Great new Reader with innovative scroll
Date: Thu, 26 Apr 2001 12:34:48 GMT

 You have to try it to really understand. Basically it fills the
screen with a page. As that page fills, the next page fills in behind
it. If you have the scanning rate set right you are reading ahead of
the fill and when you hit the bottom, you return to the top of the
page and continue to read the subsequent page as another fills in
behind that.

 The effect is much like reading a regular book. Instead of switching
to the top of the next page, or worse yet, turning a page, you just
flick your eyes back to the top.

 I like the idea of incorporating this in CSpotRun. However, from the
developers point of view, even though he made this freeware, he may
not want to give his code away. I think if he developed it within GNU,
he would have to also post the code.


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