---Reply to mail from Michael Nordstrom about Japanese code converter kcc

> On Mon, Jan 05, 2004, Chris Hawks wrote:
>> Cool! If that works, I can commit the changes to Spider.py
>> (after the next release Mike??)
> I'm not the parser maintainer, i.e. I don't decide what and when
> something is included in the parser. When I create new packages
> I take what I find in the parser dir and hope it still works ;-)

    I remember you said you would do a release on tuesday (tommorow for
me, today for you). I figure it's better for Matto and me (and Alex?) to
beat on it a little before the release. Not that I think there'll be any
problems, but, changes right before a release can be bad. It works for me
and Matto, but, 27 hours for testing isn't much.

    I'll commit after the release.

---End reply

Christopher R. Hawks
If you make people think they're thinking, they'll love you; 
but if you really make them think, they'll hate you.

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