---Reply to mail from Michael Nordstrom about Bookmarks

> On Mon, Apr 05, 2004, Chris Hawks wrote:
>>     bookmarks.diff attached for your perusal. I'll wait 'til after the
>> freeze to commit the changes.
> Maybe we shouldn't wait that long. External bookmarks support is
> included in the viewer, so adding it to the parser would (IMO) be
> a good idea; it would make the feature more useful ;-)

    Here's another one. the attached patch allows multiple pages/files to
be given to the parser. With --bookmarks=pages this allows unlinked
pages/files to reside in a single database with bookmarks for each page.

plucker-build --bookmarks=pages text1 text2 text3 ...
plucker-build --bookmarks=pages -H "text1;text2;text3..."

---End reply

Christopher R. Hawks
Anyone who says 'disk is cheap' deserves to be shot.
     --Linus Torvalds

Attachment: multi_docs.diff.gz
Description: File attachment

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