I have 2 questions about properties of "continued" text records.

1) Suppose that a text record has an associated
   "ExceptionalCharSets" entry in the global metadata record.  This
   record has "continued" flag set. What charset should I use for
   its continuation record(s)?
Current Python parser (1.8 on my system) seems to list "exceptional
charset" only for the first record in the "continuation sequence".
It's OK but I would like to know if any following records in the
sequence *can* have their "exceptional charsets" listed? Or should
I stick to the charset of the first record in the sequence? (The
latter seems more intuitive.)

2) I don't know whether the "navigation metadata" is supported by
   the current Python parser (documents I build come out w/o such
   metadata) but I would like to know what's the rule for handling
   such metadata in the case of a sequence of continued records.

I mean, if records in such a sequence can have distinct navigation
metadata blocks how this case should be handled? Or they cannot?

Actually, I think these questions boil down to this: whether a
sequence of continued records should be treated as one big record,
or the intent for creation of this paradigm was to provide for
seamless *scrolling* on display?

I use "The Plucker Document Format" v1.26.

Thanks in advance!

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