On Sat, Nov 05, 2005 at 02:02:30PM +0100, Michael Nordstrom wrote:

>> Actually, I think these questions boil down to this: whether a
>> sequence of continued records should be treated as one big record,
>> or the intent for creation of this paradigm was to provide for
>> seamless *scrolling* on display?
> I think they should be treated as one big record. I also think that
> we should add that to the format description, i.e. we should include
> a note that says something like "Only the first record in a sequence
> of continued records should include navigation metadata". Similar for
> the ExceptionalCharSets.
> Does anyone think this is a bad idea? If not, then I will add it to the
> Plucker format description.
I have two corrections:

1) I was not quite right in my original message talking about the
"treatment" of such sequences. The point of this issue is,
actually, in how the data is organized in a DB, not how it is
presented to the user. So such "treatment" must be explicitly
marked as being related solely to the implementation of the
properties of such sequences, not to the presentation of them.

2) The word "should" effectively means "may not" and thus creates a
loophole for misinterpretation, and so we should use "must"
(yes, it's a bad pun). ;-)

So I would propose to re-state your statement as this:

"Any sequence of continued text records must be treated as a single
solid record from the standpoint of its properties.  If a sequence
of continued text records is to have any properties that may be
attached to a non-continued text record (i.e. navigational
metadata, exceptional charset, etc) such properties must be
attached to the very first record in such a sequence; all other
records in a sequence must not have such properties attached to
them since they derive it from the first record in a sequence".

I'm not really sure about the word "properties" above, though. ;-)

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