+1  I like it too - I think it can work either way

as Sys Admins, I think we can all appreciate how hard it is to get
organized - and the many ways to do.

On Tue, Aug 19, 2014 at 2:04 PM,  <j...@actionline.com> wrote:
> Plug is a wonderful group just the way it is, and the installfests are
> great.
> Please don't change a thing.
> It serves no useful purpose to criticize the way the current plug and
> installfests work.
> If some folks think a "lug" could be done differently and/or perhaps
> better as a non-profit (or in any other way), then they certainly can and
> should start a new "lug" and let us all have the option to join either or
> both (while it is still a free country).
> Joe
> -------
>> There are ongoing costs to being a non-profit.
>> I really do not appreciate those who don't pull the weight
>> trying to tell the ones who pull the wait what to do.
> ---------------------------------------------------
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