On Sun Jun 08, 2008 at 05:47:18PM +0530, Nikhil Karkare wrote:
> Hi,
> I am planning to install Linux on several Pentium-1 and Pentium-2 machines
> that I have.
> My basic necessity is that they run Firefox with the Flash plugin (is this
> realizable?)
> I have tried various flavours like Vector Linux, Damn Small Linux etc, but
> the distributions have been difficult to configure. I know it won't be very
> easy, but do you have recommendations?

I doubt if firefox can fit in with the limited resources supplied by
these machines. Some alternate browsers like midori or such might work
but finding a one which supports flash will be a bit difficult.

   "Oops, I always forget the purpose of competition is to divide people into
winners and losers." -Hobbes being sarcastic

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