Hello Everyone,

The PLUG meet for the month of Oct is tentatively scheduled for 7th
October 2017.

Timing: 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM
Venue: SICSR 7th Floor, ROOM (TBA)

Agenda for the upcoming meet:
During last few meet there has been discussion and request for more
events/talks and workshops in the coming months.

We would like to discuss and finalize atleast 2 to 3 (more the better)
events/workshops that can be organized in the month of October and
November 2017.

People can come forward with there ideas of talks and workshops that
they can conduct or like to participate in.

Please do point out possible venues for workshop.
Apart from the above if anyone would like to give a talk/demo during
the meet please let us know.
As usual Few new ISO's will be available during the meet. If anyone
has any specific need do mail it on the list.

Any other ideas are welcome.

As usual the meeting is open to all, no fees or pre-requsites  for the meet.

Gaurav (aka Dexter) Pant
If you can cook, you can code.
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