On 6/11/08, Joyce Gutierrez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi fooler,
> thanks for replying, I really hope you could help me,

i will and the rest of the people here will help you :->

> here are the output for the questions you posted:

you didnt follow exactly according from my instruction :-> we will do
it again.. this time.. ill make it simple instead of using http
version 1.1.. we will do it using http version 1.0

1. telnet <ip address of your cacti server> 80

the instruction above tells you that you will going to telnet to your
cacti server at tcp port 80.. for example your cacti server ip address
is, this is the command that you are going to type in your
linux prompt (usually the last character of linux prompt is $ sign)

$ telnet 80 <press enter>

this instruct telnet to connect to ip address tcp port
80... tcp port 80 is the port number for http protocol...

in case you see the output such like this:

$ telnet 80
telnet: connect to address Connection refused
telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused

this indicates that you didnt properly configure your apache program
or there is a firewall blocking tcp port 80 going to if
the latter is the problem..  i will give you a separate instruction
for this.. i will just assuming that there is no firewall in there...

if you see the telnet output such like this:

$ telnet 80
Connected to www.yourcactiserver.com (
Escape character is '^]'.

then we are good to go for the next step below as telnet already
connected to tcp port 80. This means that your apache is properly
installed and run.

2. when you see this string output "Escape character is '^]'."... the
apache server is waiting for an input and the input prompt is just
below that of that string ouput above.. you type this and take note of
the case sensitivity while typing:

GET /cacti HTTP/1.0 <enter>

type it as what exactly shown above.. thats it... type GET space
/cacti space HTTP/1.0 and press enter twice...

the output above determines what went wrong with your cacti.conf
configuration file...

show me the output of steps number 1 and 2 and i can already pinpoint
where your problem is..

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