On Wed, Jan 21, 2009 at 8:05 AM, Johann Vincent Paul Tagle
<johannta...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Ah, but my kung fu is not that good..... so I'll take a crack at it using a
> tomahawk (apache) =)
> Thanks to all who responded!

forget kungfu.. ill teach you how to use pambansang kamao first :->

dido sevilla already gave you the simplest solution but didnt expound
further how to do it with the help of DNS...

here are the steps.

1. DNS - set your URLs to your public IP address

eg. your public ip address is

www.domain1.com IN A
www.domain2.net IN A
www.domain3.org IN A

2. you have must have two network interfaces... one is for the public
IP address facing the internet and another one is the private IP
address facing your VMs subnet

3. Apache - run Apache and must listen to your public IP address...
enable virtual hosting with the help of mod_proxy module..

eg. for www.domain1.com

<VirtualHost *:80>
   ServerName www.domain1.com
   ProxyPass / http://your.internal.domain.for.www.domain1.com/
   ProxyPassReverse / http://your.interal.domain.for.www.domain1.com/
   ...other directives...

eg. for www.domain2.net

<VirtualHost *:80>
   ServerName www.domain2.net
   ProxyPass / http://your.internal.domain.for.www.domain2.net/
   ProxyPassReverse / http://your.interal.domain.for.www.domain2.net/
   ...other directives...

from the outside world, when a client access www.domain1.com for
example.... it points to your public ip address... apache received
this request, parse the www.domain1.com from the HTTP Host: header and
look into its virtual host configuration for the matching of
www.domain1.com (it looks at the ServerName directive).. if found then
it uses the ProxyPass to forward/map the request to
http://your.internal.domain.for.www.domain1.com which is your VM web

forget jacky chan or bruce lee... pacquiao is your simplest solution here... :->

for entertainment purpose.. here is our n96 ads for china market...
bruce lee is playing ping pong with his nunchaku :->


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