Neal wrote:
> Actually, the WAN subnet and the LAN subnet are the same. 

So, I'm right. There is something fundamental I don't understand.

> You must use
> 192.168.1.x for the LAN if you're using 192.168.0.x for the WAN, or
> vice-versa.

That worked, as far as finishing that part of the setup goes. But, the 
laptop doesn't see the Internet. Wiring is as follows:

Cable from street --> Cable Modem --> Netgear Router --> Switch --> 
WRT54G Router --> Laptop

The laptop can log in to the WRT54G using Firefox, but doesn't see the 
Internet -- trying to load the Google search page produces "Firefox 
can't find the server at"

BTW, to restate the ultimate goal, I'm trying to eliminate a cable 
running across the basement floor with the following wiring:

Cable from street --> Cable Modem --> Netgear Router --> Switch --> 
WRT54G Router --> Linksys WET11 Wireless Ethernet Bridge --> ReplayTV DVR

So, I haven't gotten to the wireless part, yet.


Dick Steffens

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