>>>>> "Richard" == Richard C Steffens <rst...@comcast.net> writes:

Richard> Time today permits working on this again.  I'm endeavoring to
Richard> set up a WRT54G ver. 6 as a wireless access point.  Using my
Richard> laptop, I have connected its wired Ethernet port to one of
Richard> the 4 ports on the back of the WRT54G and logged in to the
Richard> WRT54G's administration page.

One thing that you can do that's even easier that all this
separate-network silliness, since you already have a gateway router
(the netgear), just plug a cat5 from a LAN port on the netgear to a
LAN (not WAN!) port on the linksys, and the wireless network will
bridge onto the netgears LAN network.  You might want/need to turn off
the DHCP server on the linksys, and you might want to give your
linksys a non-conflicting static IP on the netgears LAN network.

Unless you need two separate networks.

Russell Senior, President
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