On Wed, Sep 07, 2011 at 05:02:49PM -0700, John Jason Jordan wrote:
> I have a Netgear GS116 16-port gigabit switch, although I really always
> wanted a 24-port. <snip> 
> *It is up for grabs if someone wants to spend the time to fix it.

I'd be happy to.  And then I'd give it back.  I already have an 8-port GB
switch that I don't really use.

> So what is a good brand for reliability? Any particular models that
> people like? 

Roughly, there's:
* Enterprise-grade kit (Cisco Catalyst series, HP Procurve series) that
  gets used for billable services - runs for years at a time.
* Second tier stuff (Linksys, Netgear, D-Link) that might be rebadged
  no-name gear - if downtime matters, buy a spare.
* No-name gear (Dynex, Lucky Double Pigeon Brand) - treat as a fire hazard.

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