I know I'm linking to an old thread 
I may have read enough and thought enough in the mean time to ask 
"intelligent" questions ;)

Russell Senior wrote:
>>>>>> "Richard" == Richard Owlett <rowl...@cloud85.net> writes:
> Richard> What I want should be simple, block *EVERYTHING* except
> Richard> email, newsgroup, and browsing with SeaMonkey or it's Debian
> Richard> blessed counterpart. There will be occasional downloads fro
> Richard> Debian repositories.
> Firewalls can't (generally) tell what application you are using.  All
> they really see is your network source/destination addresses and ports
> and such.
> Is the usb modem connected directly to your laptop?
> What is the name of the interface when you are connected?  Maybe ppp0
> or usbnet0 or something?  I haven't dealt with dialup in a while ;-).
> Also, just to be clear, are you trying to block connections your
> laptop is making to the world?  Or just connections coming from the
> world to your laptop?

I have two use cases:
    At home dialup via USB modem (can find interface name later)
    At local library via WiFi hotspot (network name known)
    (Physically never have an Ethernet connection)

I understand that I can block *ALL* unsolicited incoming 
connections with iptables.

Under Windows apps such as Comodo can label an app as "trusted". 
I know that isn't simple with Linux.

I understand that the first pass would be to set User/Group 
permissions so only specific users (e.g. UserAlpha) can access 
the internet.

However can I set permissions such that UserAlpha has to use a 
specific browser.

For example I'll have two browsers on my machine:
    BrowserA is known safe.
    BrowserB is experimental and has some feature convenient for 
local files.

Everyone *EXCEPT* UserA should have access to BrowserB. Clear?


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