I reported earlier that my desktop fails to bring up the standby 5V
supply after all power being off for a while, i.e., no AC to the box.
I have various data points on this:  AC off overnight, AC off for
1.5Hr, AC off for a few minutes.  The corresponding times for the
standby 5V to come up were 10 minutes, 5 minutes, <1-2 seconds. (These
times are not very consistent.)

The symptoms during a failure are the voltage rises to 4.12V, then
drops quickly to about 1.72V, then drops more slowly (~2V/sec) to
about 880 mV, whereupon this repeats with a rep rate of about 580
msec.  Upon recovery it rises quickly to 5V and stays there. The main
question has been what hardware is likely the cause.  This happens
with ALL things disconnected from the MB except the memory, the
processor, and the processor fan.

It was suggested that I replace the PS with a bench supply to the
standby 5V and measure the current.  When I did this I raised the
standby voltage gradually so as to avoid frying something, since I do
not know whether the PS or the MB is responsible for the limiting
exhibited by the voltage cycling.  The symptoms did not repeat with
the external supply.  V/I pairs were 2.86/88, 3.13/130, 4/223, 5/225
(volts/mA).  This is after 15 hours of no AC.  The PS has a standby 5V
rating of 2.5A.

After this last bench supply test, the PS was reconnected and AC
applied (still nothing connected to the MB).  It took 15 minutes for
the pulsing standby voltage to end.

My conclusion from this is that the PS is the culprit.  Certainly this
is what I want to blame rather than the MB.

Any suggestions/comments?

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