On 02/17/2017 05:16 PM, Roderick Anderson wrote:
> I'm looking for any other options to remote into a graphical desktop 
> besides VNC or RDP.
> I'd like a client that runs on Linux and Android with MAC and Windows a 
> bonus.  Server should run on Linux with Android, MAC and Windows as 
> another bonus.
> I remember coming across something, while searching for something 
> compeletely different, but the name now eludes me.  Must be a case of 
> CRS. :-(
> TIA,
> Rod

Besides VNC or RDP you could try ssh X forwarding. Essentially, one X
server on a box with X clients on everything else (recall that for X the
server and the client do not have to exist on the same machine.). Then
there is XDMCP built into X.Org (the typical X server these days)

More turnkey, and cross platform, methods are:

X2Go (NX technology, F/OSS)

Teamviewer (proprietary, possible security issues for some, Linux is
actually Windows code in a Wine wrapper)

No Machine (NX technology, proprietary)

Have fun!

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