On Mon, 13 Mar 2017, Vedanta Teacher wrote:

> www.krebsonsecurity.com just posted a piece of vulnerabilities in DVR
> cameras.

   Which is why I asked if there are any known to be secure or that could be
made secure.

>  Personally I will not be joining the IoT. I'm doing this from memory but,
> in the Mayan *Popol Vuh* (yes I have a copy & I've read it) the Maya are
> attacked by their household goods; chairs, tables, pots, pans, etc. With
> my cell phone & TV already spying on me & a leaky IP address I don't want
> to add to the mix...

   Don't forget your microwave oven! You want to be dressed when in front of
it because it's taking your picture and transmitting it somewhere.

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