On Thu, 16 Nov 2017, Chuck Hast wrote:

Generally the techs for anything are good folks.

  While we're grousing about telcos, cable companies and the differences
between the customer-facing employees and those invisible ones hidden away
somewhere ...

  Yesterday I received an e-mail message from a contact telling me she could
not leave a voice mail message when she tried to return my phone call. I
called Frontier Communiations and after ca. 20 minutes on the phone the
customer-facing representative told me it was apparently more than my voice
mail service that was broken and it would take the back-end folks a while to
figure out what plug goes where. He'd call me back when it was fixed. This
at 9:15 am. Never received a call.

  This morning I called again and was told my voice mail had been fixed but
when someone tried to call me they could not get through. I suggested that
was at their end and needed fixing. But, she said, my voice mail works now!
So we hung up and I dialed my voice mail number only to be told my PIN was

  Called again ... and again ... and again.

  It took 4 calls today, over a couple of hours, with different folks in
different cities, before they restored my PIN so I can once again access my
voice mailbox. It's really sad but without competition companies have no
incentive to provide exceptional service.


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