On 2017-12-04 17:00, David wrote:
On 12/04/2017 02:33 PM, michael wrote:
I have it working.  I don't want the password for the owner of the share in plain text in a file though.  Creating
/home/pi/.smbpasswd with the contents:
and chmod 600 isn't good enough.

The password should be salted in this file even if it is password!

Is there a simple way to use an smbpasswd file properly salted without implementing a full samba server?

The proper tool that I know of is "smbpasswd" as an executable, which
is part of the samba-common-bin package on my system (Debian).

It may have dependencies which includes a full smb server (which I
run), so this may not be helpful information.

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I am most concerned about the password having to be in plaintext when transmitted over the network. Even if there is a way without a full samba server deployment to have the password sent in encrypted form over the network, that would be great. The server is probably the latest incarnation of Windows server. I don't like the idea of having to have a Linux user for every Windows user either.
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