All is not lost!
From the Linux Journal folks:

Happy New Year- Welcome to *Linux Journal* 2.0!

Talk about a Happy New Year. The reason: it turns out we're not dead. In
fact, we're more alive than ever, thanks to a rescue by
readers—specifically, by the hackers who run Private Internet Access
<> (PIA)
VPN, a London
Trust Media <>
PIA are avid supporters of freenode
<> and the
larger FOSS community. They’re also all about Linux and the rest of the
modern portfolio of allied concerns: privacy, crypto, freedom, personal
agency, rewriting the rules of business and government around all of those,
and having fun with constructive hacking of all kinds. We couldn’t have
asked for a better rescue ship to come along for us.

In addition, they aren't merely rescuing this ship we were ready to
scuttle; they're making it seaworthy again and are committed to making it
bigger and better than we were ever in a position to think about during our
entirely self-funded past.

This is exactly what we had hoped for in recent years, but hardly expected.
Really and truly, I waited to put up our farewell post
<> until all
hope was lost. But hey, it turns out you don't have to believe in miracles
to experience one, because that's exactly what happened here.

So here's what I know for sure, so far.

First, the PIA people are hard-core Linux, free software and open-source
hackers. They are just as committed to FOSS values as Phil Hughes
<> was when he
published the first issue of *Linux Journal* in April 1994, the same month
Linus released version 1.0 of Linux. (Friends and colleagues of Phil's,
especially those who worked for him at *Linux Journal* for many years, know
how completely principled he was and still is.) They also want to do right
by developers, users, and the whole free and open networked world. That's
one reason they stepped forward to save us.

Second, they’re eager to support us in building *Linux Journal* 2.0around
the substantial core of devoted readers we had through the many years of *Linux
Journal* 1.x. And, this means we need to hear from you. How and where would
you like us to go, now that we're back afloat and our purpose is to thrive
and not just to survive? For that, at the very least, we'll be hanging out
in the #linuxjournal channel at
<>. We'll also
be making some long overdue improvements to the website. While that’s going
on, we will open conversational channels there too.

Third, expect to see familiar names and faces continuing to work here. I'm
staying on, as will Jill Franklin, Doc Searls and others. We also will be
recruiting talent for covering Linux and topics in adjacent areas that are
as hot (or ready to be) as Linux was in 1994.

Fourth, we are committed to giving our subscribers everything we can to
reward their support. For starters, if you haven't yet claimed your archive
of all *Linux Journal* back issues, please ping me (carliefairchild at
linuxjournal dot com). While we collectively brainstorm what *Linux
Journal *2.0 will become, our subscribers will be at the forefront of those
discussions. You've stood by us, and that support means everything to us.
Stay tuned.

Fifth (but not finally), we are committed to leading the way toward new and
better business models for publishing than the usual suspects we've seen so
far. Doc Searls, who in addition to his work at *Linux Journal* has been
running ProjectVRM out of Harvard's Berkman Klein Center since ‘06, is
eager to use *Linux Journal* 2.0 as a laboratory for expanding one corner
of that work: creating better ways of doing advertising that supports
publishers, rather than the kind that chases tracked eyeballs—and for
moving beyond the advertising model as well. Help with that is also welcome.

So again, thanks for your support for so many years, and thanks in advance
for the fresh help we are sure to get as we set sail again on a better ship
than ever.


Carlie Fairchild, Publisher

P.S. Editor in Chief, Doc Searls is asking for your help. *Linux Journal* was
a print magazine for 17+ years, then a digital one for the next 7+


Hope you find this good news as I have.


On Sat, Dec 2, 2017 at 4:19 PM, Tomas Kuchta <>

> As far as I can say, based on their announcement. Their web presence will
> last a little longer to accommodate the Linux Journal archive sales, etc.
> I am not in the position of to know, but based on what they announced,
> Linux Magazine or a private fund might be helping to stay on-line.
> I also got their archive. It is a bargain and hopefully it will help them
> close things down with employees and freelancers. The sooner, the better.
> -T
> On Dec 2, 2017 11:28 AM, "Michael Barnes" <> wrote:
> > Download link for the archive went through. Big file. Has all articles,
> > letters, editorials, etc. searchable from the first issue to Nov 2017. I
> > kind of wish they had the full issues to just read through like the early
> > digital versions, but this is still a great resource. No idea how long
> this
> > may be available, so you may want to jump as soon as possible. I thumbed
> > through it last night, fond memories. I've read a lot of  Linux
> magazines,
> > but LJ was the only one I actually subscribed to. Lots of catching up to
> > do. Now I just have to figure out how to get it on my Kindle.
> >
> >
> > On Sat, Dec 2, 2017 at 10:47 AM, Chuck Hast <> wrote:
> >
> > > I am going to miss it. That was the first thing I did on the first of
> the
> > > month
> > > when the new digital issue was sent, set down (throne room session)
> read
> > > it.
> > >
> > > My consternation when I opened what I thought was going to be the
> > download
> > > page and got that sad message. I think I have had a sub to it now for
> > about
> > > 10
> > > years.
> > >
> > > I still hope someone can figure out how to keep it flying, but looks
> > pretty
> > > dark
> > > right now.
> > >
> > > On Fri, Dec 1, 2017 at 9:12 PM, Neal <> wrote:
> > >
> > > > On Fri, Dec 1, 2017 at 6:40 PM, Michael Barnes <
> > > > wrote:
> > > >
> > > > > I loved Linux Journal and subscribed for many years. I let my
> > > > subscription
> > > > > go when they went digital as I didn't really have the resources to
> > read
> > > > it
> > > > > at the time. I always meant to resubscribe, but never got to it.
> > Their
> > > > web
> > > > > site let me order the 1994-2017 archive CD tonight, I hope I get
> it.
> > I
> > > > > always thought LJ was a great resource.
> > > > >
> > > >
> > > > Ditto. Thank you for mentioning this Michael.
> > > >
> > > > NealS
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> > > --
> > >
> > > Chuck Hast  -- KP4DJT --
> > > I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.
> > > Ph 4:13 KJV
> > > Todo lo puedo en Cristo que me fortalece.
> > > Fil 4:13 RVR1960
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