I got Ubuntu MATE 18.04 installed sometime last week, and am now getting around to copying stuff to it. I have a directory with many .mp3 files worth of music on a separate SATA drive in the same machine. 27.6 GB. I started the copy process using Caja. At first it said it would take about 59 hours. (That's when I started typing this message.) Now it say it will take about 71 hours at 106.5 kB/sec. Rather than do that I decided I'd try copying from another machine, but I can't see any other machines, nor can the other machines see this machine. Sigh. Looks like I'm changing to an entirely different OS going from 16 to 18.

I've found a few links that indicate networking is done differently now, but they're all user experience links. Can someone point me to Ubuntu MATE 18.04 documentation that clearly explains how to change what was successful in 16.04 so that it works in 18.04?



Dick Steffens

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