On Tue, 19 Jun 2018, Robert Citek wrote:

$2 != "16.00" { print ; next }  <= the decimal should be a colon, 16:00 vs 16.00


  Oy! Too often we see what we expect to see, not what's actually there. I
had that in a FORTRAN IV program in the early 1970s.

flag == 1 && $2 == "16:00" { $2=="17:00"; print; flag=0 ; next } <=
equality should be assignment, $2= vs $2==

  Ah, I missed that completely, as well as the order of pattern tests.

Here's a refactored version that you can put in a file:

BEGIN {OFS=FS=","} ;
flag == 1 && $2 == "16:00" { $2 = "17:00" ; flag = 0 } ;
$2 == "16:00" { flag = 1 } ;
{ print } ;

  And it works. Thanks for teaching me a tool that will be applied to other
awk scripts.

BTW, in your sample data set the 15:00 and 16:00 entries are identical
in the last field.  Is that expected or coincidental?

  Expected. This is river stage height data (the elevation of the water
surface) and it may be constant for a while, or vary fairly regularly. What
I'm interested in is the pattern cycles: diurnal, seasonal, and annual.

Best regards,

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