On Thu, 6 Dec 2018, John Jason Jordan wrote:

To save I use Ctrl-s. Ctrl-Shift-s is Save As. Those seem to be pretty
standard in all programs.


This bit of confusion was caused by a LO documentation error - it should
have listed Ctrl-d, not Ctrl-D. And looking at the assignment
possibilities, I see that Ctrl-Shift-D is defined as Right-to-Left, not
Right-Align. Ctrl-Delete is Delete to End of Word, and Ctrl-Shift-Delete
is Delete to End of Line. This is typical; Ctrl+[some key] does one thing,
while Ctrl-Shift+[some key] does the same thing but going a little
further, e.g., Ctrl-v is Paste and Ctrl-Shift-v is Paste Special.

  And, if you look again you'll see there's no 'delete next character' which
is what most editors (and other applications) assign to ctrl-d.



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