On 2/22/19 7:31 AM, Michael Barnes wrote:
> I just want to say a collective thanks to this list. I subscribe to a
> couple dozen lists on a variety of subjects. It seems lately any time
> someone asks for help, especially if they are an infrequent poster, new, or
> ask some basic questions, 80% of the replies are either greatly critical,
> i.e. "RTFM", "Read John Doe's book ('Any non-idiot knows who John Doe
> is')", "Why on earth would you want to do such a thing", "Read the list
> archives, it has been discussed before, so we won't help you now", "You are
> doing it wrong", etc. or they are waste of time answers, "Never heard of
> that problem", "Sorry, you have XXX and I have YYY, so I can't help you",
> "Mine doesn't do that", etc.  For some reason, people feel obligated to
> reply, even if they have nothing constructive to offer. And if someone does
> take the time to provide a useful step-by-step answer, his reply gets
> blasted for taking up bandwidth.
> Fortunately, despite my bumbling, this group has always been helpful and
> folks have taken time to continue to answer my questions. One of my
> problems with Linux is, it just works. So, once I get things going, after a
> short time CRS kicks in and I can't remember how I did it. You guys never
> fail to come to my rescue.
> So, THANKS TO EVERYBODY for your continued help.
> Have a great day.
> Michael

I find answering questions, whether from a new linux user or just
someone who forgot some trick, is a good way to remember how to do stuff

Although, it might be a good idea to set up a FAQ from the archives, if
PLUG doesn't already have one, like some USENET newsgroups post
periodically as a memory aide for the forgetful.


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