On Mon, 18 Mar 2019 20:50:23 -0700
Ben Koenig <techkoe...@gmail.com> dijo:

>nvidia has layers of drivers for their cards going all the way back to 
>the tnt2 cards. On more than one occasion I've seen an ubuntu system 
>automagically install the wrong one and all kinds of stuff happens.

It is very easy to grab the wrong one because the Debian repos have
zero documentation about which driver is for which series of chips, at
least, I couldn't find any. They're all just listed in Synaptic and
identified by meaningless letters and numbers. As I said previously,
one I downloaded the script from NVIDIA I took note that its name
contained '375,' also not very meaningful, but at least I found a
driver in Synaptic with the same numbers. I installed it keeping my
fingers crossed.
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