On Sun, 20 Oct 2019, Michael C Robinson wrote:

Can you change the permissions on /var/spool/postfix/rshepard on the dying
drive to something non root and rsync that directory?

I'm thinking: chown -rv rshepard.rshepard /var/spool/postfix/rshepard

followed by rsyncing as rshepard the files to the new server.

You will then need to change the ownership of the files to the appropriate owner.

Isn't postfix the proper owner???


First, the old drive is dead, but the external backup drive should still be

Second, I mis-specified the directory because I didn't look. The directory
is /var/spool/mail/rshepard and /var/spool/mail is owned by postfix (for
which I don't have a password), but the rshepard subdirectory is owned by

So, it looks like I can cd to /var/spool/mail/rshepard/ on the desktop and
rsync with /var/spool/mail/rshepard/ on the backup drive.

Thanks for the pointers.


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