On Sat, 11 Apr 2020, King Beowulf wrote:

I've used VLC before. Its a swiss army knife for video playback with
capture capability. Crazy big dependency list. It may be a bit overkill if
all you what is a simple webcam software.


Yep, there were 48 dependencies not installed here. Took a while to get them
installed but vlc did build. Looks like it needs a detailed user guide.

webcamoid looks interesting, I'll have to check it out.

The UI when it's loaded is quite distracting. Cute, but distracting.

wxcam on Slackbuilds,org. VERY minimal and few bells and whistles. I might
drop it when Slackware current -> 15.0 in favor of maybe webcamoid.

I'll look at that, too.

What I want to do first is in the 'screen capture' category rather than the
'webcam capture' category. I use impressive to present the beamer PDFs in my
presentations and I need to learn how to display the pdf 'slides' using
impressive during a webinar. Attendees can see it full screen (I'll be
speaking, too) and I will have it in a window within the webinar hosting
software. Much to learn and now's the time to learn it.

Stay well,

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