John, good to know about the 50GB Blu-ray disc problem.  I've only used
25GB ones.  Another option would be Nero.  I'm very impressed with Nero
burning software, the biggest problem being that it's closed source & only
available for Windows.  Maybe Nero runs on WINE?  Too bad Nero Linux was
discontinued.  I used it & it was also reliable.

On Mon, Jul 13, 2020 at 3:58 PM John Jason Jordan <> wrote:

> On Mon, 13 Jul 2020 15:07:51 -0700
> elcaseti <> dijo:
> >I think K3B is more likely to work with Blu-ray than Brasero is.  Most
> >people agree that K3B is the best burning software for GNU/Linux.  Like
> >King Beowulf said, you may have to also install additional programs
> >like cdrtools and growisof.  You should be able to install K3B without
> >installing the rest of KDE 4 or KDE Plasma.
> >The version of K3B that comes with Kubuntu 18.03 mentions that it
> >supports Blu-ray.
> +1 for K3B.
> However, I must add that on my 18.04 computers it still does not work
> 100% with Blu-ray. I have a spindle of 25GB BD discs, and they work
> reliably. I also have a spindle of 50GB BD discs, and they won't work
> at all. All I get is 'enter a CD or DVD disc.'
> As for Brasero, it works only with CD/DVD discs.
> Before writing this I did not check to see what dependencies I have
> installed for K3B and Brasero. I will do that if someone needs that
> information.
> I should add that this is my experience with an internal BD drive in my
> old computer, purchased to replace the DVD drive that it came with, as
> well as an external USB BD drive that I use with my current computer,
> which has no bay for an optical drive. Before buying these dives I
> verified that they were advertised as being compatible with up to 100GB
> discs.
> I think it might be helpful (not for me, but for those more technically
> capable) to know how these programs figure out what kind of media is in
> the drive. What kind of data does the drive send to the OS? How does
> the OS interpret the data?
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