Lenovo Thinkpad T14 and X13s are supported on linux - you can even get
some of them with linux preinstalled.

I usually aim for newest supported HW to extend useful live - so, the
last time I ended up paying MS tax, but I still get bios updates via
fwupdmgr and everything working without issues.

I cannot recommend Dells shipping with Linux right now - they ended up
being devoid of even basic number of USB ports recently. If you do not
need more than 1 or 2 USB-C ports (one taken by the charger) - and can
receive Fed-Ex delivery (I cannot - no office front) - Dell's XPS13 are
pretty nice computers too.

 ... there are more linux laptops out there -though I did not try them.


On Fri, 2022-02-25 at 08:32 -0800, Rich Shepard wrote:
> I think it's time to replace my Dell Latitude E5410 since it's giving
> me
> fits installing Slackware64-15.0. It's run Slackware since about
> 2010,
> upgraded as new releases became available, but now it has major
> issues with
> the new release and a full, clean installation. (My Lenovo ThinkPad
> X200 has
> no issues with 15.0 but is too limited as a portable work station.)
> I'm looking at Dell and Lenovo ThinkPads, 13"-14" screens preferred,
> but I
> accept that 15"+ are now the most common. I also want to spend as
> little as
> necessary to get a reliable laptop that will last like the Dell and
> X200
> have.
> Recommendations and suggestions solicited.
> Rich

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