On Tue, 5 Jul 2022, Joseph Carter wrote:

These days it seems like SMB is the most standard solution for that. I
know people want nothing to do with SMB because "it's a Microsoft thing" …
but no, at this point it's kind of not. Both Apple and the Samba team have
extended SMB quite a bit for specifically working with UNIX systems. Not
just UNIX permissions either—ACLs and extended attributes too. These
things typically are not supported by the aging NFS systems out there. If
NFS gives you any headaches, I recommend giving samba a shot.


I found a software KVM: barrier. As the Slackbuilds.org package description
says, "Barrier is KVM software forked from Symless's synergy 1.9 codebase.
Synergy was a commercialized reimplementation of the original CosmoSynergy
written by Chris Schoeneman. Whereas synergy has moved beyond its goals from
the 1.x era, Barrier aims to maintain that simplicity. Barrier will let you
use your keyboard and mouse from machine A to control machine B (or more).
It's that simple."

I finish assembling the other desktop Real Soon Now and will learn how
barrier works.



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