On Wed, May 10, 2023, 17:47 Michael Barnes <barnmich...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I have a local network using an Ubiquiti Bullet M2 feeding a Netgear router
> that serves my various devices. The Bullet serves as an access point and
> pulls from an available wifi source.
> I got a hotspot from Verizon for internet access. When I log into the
> Bullet to select a source, the hotspot shows up on the list, but is not
> selectable. It has good signal strength, just not the little circle that
> allows me to select it.
> .

I am confused about your network topology. So, you get in internet over
wifi from somewhere, received by the bullet - that feeds Netgear router by
what? (Ethernet cable?) Then you get your other wifi devices connected to
Netgear or back to bullet on different vlan or ?? Very confusing .... Now
you want the bullet to be able to get internet from 2nd source (hotspot),
but only when it is on?

It loos like pretty complex order. Perhaps you need some low level access
to the Linux network config on the bullet. If that is so, please consider
a) simplifying your network topology and b) installing wrt on the bullet so
that you can configure the network and routing directly.



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